ultrashort movie review: The Heat ****

The Heat (2013) Poster

Paul Feig, creator of the cult TV classic Freaks and Geeks, brings you the funniest movie that you’ve already seen. Buddy cop movie, mismatched personalities, fish out of water, boss breathing down your neck, “you’re off the case,” drunken montage where the two disparate personalities realize they have more in common than they thought, etc. etc. etc. But it’s really funny despite being dumb. Lots of jokes. Sandra Bullock keeps up with Melissa McCarthy. Lots and lots of jokes. And I think this movie is self-aware. It knows that it is the same movie you’ve seen before.

It’s interesting how studios decide to market movies. This is underlyingly a PG-13 movie with the F word added a bunch to bump it up to a solid R rating. This kind of move would’ve hurt teen movies like Pitch Perfect, Harry Potter, and Twilight but it might help The Heat. Like, it kind of tells people that this is a movie for adults even though violence is minimal and sex is non-present. I don’t know. But I’m sure this was done on purpose.

Oh, and Bullock is hotter than ever. Hard to believe she turns 49 in a few weeks.

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