last night’s dream: T-Rex Catfish

I dreamed I got catfished by a lady very similar to the lady from Catfish. I showed up to her place and she had a son who was like six years old or something. Don’t remember his name. He was neglected because his mom was self-involved so I took him under my wing. We went somewhere, I don’t remember where. Me and him. Maybe a circus or the zoo or something. On the way home we took a shortcut through a field and a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex showed up and started chasing us. The T-Rex caught the kid and bit off an arm and a leg. I punched the T-Rex in the face and it ran away. I needed to stop the bleeding and the kid didn’t want to mess up his own scarf so I had to tie off the stump of his arm with my really fancy and expensive scarf that was a gift from my mother. Even though the kid’s scarf was rubbish.

I brought the boy back to his house and told them to take the kid to the emergency room. His parents were all, “but we don’t have insurance,” but I was all, “it doesn’t matter! He’ll die! Just take the kid to the emergency room and pay the medical bills from the money you get when you sue the jerk who has a dinosaur on his land. The T-Rex didn’t just show up! Someone put him there. Sue that guy!”

The kid’s parents were too lazy to take the kid to the emergency room so I decided to take him myself. I brought him out to the car and kept forgetting things in the house. Every time I went back in, I took my shoes off but when I went to put them back on I couldn’t find them for a long time. They always ended up in the closet or under the couch or something. This happened a bunch of times so it was several hours later by the time we went to the ER.

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