ultrashort movie review: The Company You Keep ***

The Company You Keep (2012) Poster

I like the idea and the story. Dialogue was a bit off. The movie begins with the capture and arrest of a former member of an activist group that was active in the late 70s and was responsible for a bank robbery that went awry and resulted in the death of a security guard. Robert Redford plays a man with ties to this group who ends up on the run from the law. Shia LaBeouf is the quintessential intrepid journalist who seeks the truth. I had a hard time buying Anna Kendrick as an FBI agent but mostly because historically she tends to play adorable characters and I was viewing her through that lens.

I saw this movie on a date and she pointed out that this screenplay feels like it should have come out 10 years ago. I think I agree. The movie painted a picture of 1980 as a year of turmoil, picketing, and protests. Perhaps the book upon which this screenplay was based dialed all the events back ten years so that the Weather Underground (the activist group in the movie) was actually active in 1969-1970. Plot points in the movie dictated that “present time” be 30 years post the dissolution of the Weather Underground so Redford made the call to adjust the timeline.

Other notable performances: Nick Nolte, Susan Sarandon, Terrence Howard, Sam Elliott.

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