guest ultrashort movie review: Fast & Furious 6

Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Poster

I knew it was going to be ridiculously over the top. I knew it was going to be haphazardly slapped together. I knew it was going to be brim-filled with cheesy one liners. What I didn’t know was that it was going to be tremendously sentimental. I can look past the terrible editing and the physics defying stunts because I was a huge fan of the original when it first came out and this movie is rambunctiously nostalgic. Removing that from it though, the movie could have been about 30 minutes shorter. This movie has a third act, then a second third act that is solely self-satisfying.  ALSO, the post credit scene will make your mind implode! I don’t know if it’s a harbinger for something good, bad, or equally mediocre but I’m definitely going to see the next installment.

Guest Reviewer: Trent Sellers

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